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Automatic rules
Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over a year ago

From the «Analytics» page, you can easily activate or deactivate products, categories, and/or channels according to various filters.

The same actions can be performed automatically, thanks to BeezUP rules.
You will discover in this article how this feature works.


1. Create a rule

Before creating your first rule, it is important to have at least one report saved under the Analytics page. This report will be used to filter your automatic rule.

Please make sure to carefully choose the filters, time period and elements to display on your reports. The rules will depend on these parameters.

⚠️ Important: only pre-saved periods can be used (yesterday, 7 last days, last week, current month, last 3 months). You cannot select a personalized period for your rules.

Once you have at least one saved report, you can go to the rule edition page by clicking on the menu icon shown below :

Once in this page, click on "add a new rule" :


You will land on a screen where you can define your new rule :

  • Name: We recommend you write an explicit title so that you can easily identify its action.

  • Analytics report: Choose the report you want to use for the rule.

  • Action: Choose if you wish to activate or deactivate the elements of your rule.

  • Validity dates : If you want your rule to be active only during a specific period, you can use the fields "validity start date" and "validity end date".

⚠️ ​Important: if you just saved your first report, you may have to wait some minutes before seeing it on the list.

Once all the information has been filled, click on "create rule" and your brand-new rule will be created! 😃


​☑️ Note: each store has a limit of 10 rules.

2. Manage your rules

Once your rule is created, you can execute different actions:


1. Edit: click on this icon if you want to check which Analytics report is linked to your rule, modify its name or validity dates.

2. Activate/deactivate: when active, the button will be blue with the word On. When inactive, the button will be gray with the word Off.
3. Delete: if you want to delete one of your rule permanently, just click on the bin icon.
4. Run: you can manually execute the rule by clicking on this button.

5. Modify a rule priority: rules are executed in the order displayed (from the top of the list to the bottom). Giving the right priority to each rule is essential: you can order your rules however you wish.
6. Run all: if you want to test the right execution of all your rules (by taking their priority into account), you can do it at any time by clicking on this button.

⚠️ Important: rules will be really executed when clicking on the buttons 4 and 6, and products resulting from the reports will be disabled or enabled, depending on your rule action. Only run the rules if you really want to apply the changes.

​​☑️ Note: you cannot change the performed action (activate/deactivate), nor the Analytics report linked to the rule. You will have to create a new rule for that.

3. Analyze results

Rules are executed once a day (during the night), and you can check the applied actions on the «Execution History» page:


You will land on a page summarizing the last 25 rules run on BeezUP with the following information:

  • Time the rule was run

  • Name of the rule

  • Start time and end time

  • Running status : Succeded or Failed

  • Number of channels impacted by the rule

  • Number of products affected by the rule

  • Number of active products affected
    Reminder : an active product is a product which is still in your product feed.

  • Execution mode : Manual or Automatic

  • A link to download the full report
    This report gives details about all affected products, channels, and displays parameters of the run report.

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