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Custom fields
Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over 12 months ago


BeezUP allows you to customize all data that you send to your channels thanks to custom fields.

1. What are the goals of the custom fields?

Custom fields can be used in several situations, here are a few examples:

- Improve an incomplete catalogue
🔵Example : to indicate the shipping costs when they are not in your source feed

- Change the format to match some specific requirements
🔵Example : convert « 1 » into « In Stock » for a specific channel

- Combine various fields
🔵Example : Make your title become the combination of : « Product title » + « color » + « brand »

- Modify a value depending on several conditions
🔵Example : Reduce by 10% prices of a specific brand on a specific marketplace

This article will tell you how to create your first custom field, but also how to go much further in customizing the data you wish to sent to your ecommerce partners.

2. Create your 1st custom field

1st step : Where do we create a custom field

You can create a custom field for any field of any channel. Here's how:

  1. Click on « Channel »

  2. Click on the « Column mapping » button of the chosen channel

  3. Identify the field for which you want to create your custom field, and click on the + button next to it called "Create a personalized field".

The custom field dedicated interface will pop up! 🥳

2nd step : discover the custom field user interface

The custom fields user interface has several features, here are all of them zone per zone :

  1. Personalized field name: this is where you can give a specific name to your personalized field so that you can, then, easily find it in your mapping pages.

  2. Available blocks: this is from this list that you can select all necessary blocks to build your custom field. See below for details on each of them.

  3. Workspace: this is your "free" zone, where you can put your blocks so that they become together the logic you want.
    Note: in order to be considered your blocks must be all attached to the main "Return" block.

  4. Preview: this is where you can see your result, for a chosen product (zone 5), of your built expression (in zone 3).

  5. Source values: this is this zone that you can choose the product for which you want to see your built expression's result. You just need to type the desired product SKU in the dedicated field, and click on the arrow.

  6. Validator: this tells you if your expression is ok, or if not its errors.

  7. Zoom and center: these buttons allow you to zoom in/out as well as recenter your workspace.

  8. Bin: with a drag and drop until the bin, you can delete any block from your workspace.

  9. Save: mandatory button if you want to save your expression, only works if your expression is valid ("Validator" : OK).

  10. Close: button that allows you to close the window without saving modifications.

3rd step : blocks choice for the 1st field and save

Now that you know the interface, in order to build custom fields, you need to select from the left list (zone 2) blocks matching your needs.

For the 1st personalized field, we'll only take one "text" constant block, to export for all products expression "En stock".

Here are the 4 main steps to achieve it :


Step 1 : From the left list, click on "Constantes", then select "abc" which stands for a text constant.

Step 2 : Thanks to a drag & drop, attach the block to "Return".
Note : a little sound should be heard if this is well attached.

Step 3 : Click in the center of bloc, delete "abc" and then type your desired text, here "En stock".

Step 4: Your block is now done, as well as your first custom field.

You then just need to click on "Save "zone 9) after having renamed your field (zone 1).

Congratulations, your 1st custom field is now created !

Back to the mapping page, your newly created field should appear in the list of available fields, and can hence be mapped wherever you need to.

Or if you prefer learning how to create your first personalized field through a video, there it is:

3. Use a custom field

Once your custom field created, you can:

  1. Access it from any mapping page, and map it to the field of your choice. On the below example the personalized field "NAME + BRAND" is used as "title",

  2. Edit it and/or see its detail, and come back to the interface described above.

  3. Delete it.
    Note : you can only delete a field as long as it's not mapped on another channel.


4. Available blocks description

To answer most demands, you can use the following blocks:

My fields and constants

"My fields" regroup all the fields from your source feed.
The constants are essential, they can be used in the other blocks described below, but they can also be used to always return the same value.





Example illustration

Your field names

These blocks represent your source feed fields. They can be used in various situations (see below), or they can be used by themselves to just export your field. It can be useful if you want to export twice your field for the same channel.

Return with no modification your "URL image" field.


This block, by editing the default "abc" can return any fixed text. It can be used on its own or in some other blocks (see below).
Note : This block can contain 8192 characters maximum.

Return "En stock" for all products


This block, by editing the default "0" can return any numerical value of your choice. It can be used on its own or in some other blocks (see below).

Return "5" for all products


This block allows you to set a specific date or a dinamic one (Today's).

Return the 1st of February of 2024 at midnight.

Conditioning (if…then…else)

These blocks allow you to define different conditions in order to return different values according to your rules.





Example illustration


Is useful in order to perfom one operation only one specific condition is true or another one if false.

Note : it's possible by clicking on the "gear" to add several conditions.

Return "0" if price is above 100, otherwise return "10".

Text compare

Allows to test any field on several possibilities :
- if it equals (or not) to a specific value
- if it contains (or not) a specific value
- if it starts (or ends) by a specific value
- if it's included in a list of specific "A|B|C, etc" elements (or not)
- if its text contains one of "A|B|C, etc" elements (or not)
- if it's empty (or not)
- if it has more than x characters (or not)
- if it has x characters (or not).

Return "Generic description" if the description is empty, otherwise return the value of the description found in your catalog.

Math compare

Allows to test any numerical value on :

- if it equals (or differs) a specific value
- if it's smaller (or equals) to a specific value
- if it's bigger (or equals) to a specific value
- if it's between a value and another one.

If the price is bigger than 50, then return "Promo-10%".
Else, if the price is bigger than 100 then return "Promo-20%".
In all other cases, return nothing (empty value).


Allows to group conditions together in order to return one value only if one of the condition is true ("or"), or all of them ("and")

Note : it's possible by clicking on the gear to add several elements to the "and" or "or".

If the catalog fields pa_couleur and pa_descriptif-matiere are empty, then return "White". Otherwise return the field pa_couleur.

Strings operators

These blocks allow you to make various operations on any "text" field :





Example illustration


Useful to concatenate at least 2 expressions together.

​​Note: it's possible by clicking on the gear to concatenate several elements together.

Return the concatenated expression of Title+"made in"+ Fabrication country

Upper case / lower case

Useful to set all letters of a field in lower case, or upper case, or capitalize (but only each 1st letter of a sentence in capital letter).

Note : in order to choose between lower/upper/capitalize, just click on the small arrow.

Capitalize the Title field.

Length Of

Allows to return the length (in number of characters) of a field.

Return the length of field EAN.

Take First

Allows to return the first word or sentence of a field.

Return the first word of the Title field.


Allows to extract one subpart of a field, by defining the 1st character to take into account as well as the last one.

Get only the 10 first characters of "Title".


Allows to delete all extra (and useless) blanks at the beginning and the end of a field.

Delete all useless blank characters in field "Description"


Useful to extract a string until an umpteenth apparition of a determined separator.

Get the value located between the 1st ">" and the 2nd ">" from field Category.

Hence for instance, if in source feed value is "High-tech>TV>LCD", it will return "TV"

Replace in string

Allows, within one field, to replace one string by another one

Within the Title field, replace "promo" with "good deal".


Useful to return one specific value if one field contains (or equals) one given value.

Note : it's possible by clicking on the gear, to add several elements to be searched/replaced.

If field "description" contains the following values :cyan, magenta, yellow then return respectively : blue, red, yellow.
Otherwise, return "color" field

Numerical operators

These blocks allow you to any standard mathematical operations on any numerical field :





Example illustration


These blocks allow to perform any standard mathematical operation. (+,-,*,/)

Increase price by 10%


This block allows you to round any decimal field to a specific number of decimals.

Round to 2 decimals the result of price divided by 3.

5. Tips & tricks

The custom fields user interface has been designed to provide efficiency while allowing any type of data modification, but still remaining easy to use.

This section will show you some tips & tricks to enhance your efficiency!

Multiple conditions

All blocks with a "gear" can accept unlimited number of items.
You just need to click on the gear, then drag & drop as many new blocks as you may need.

Once all additional required blocks are added, please click again on the gear to close the menu and carry on your field design.

Copy/paste within one same field

You can, just like any other app, do a blocks copy/paste or even groups of blocks copy/paste.
To do so, just left click on the block to duplicate (note that all under blocks will also be copied), and then :
> either right click and click on "duplicate"
> or do a "ctrl+C / Ctrl+V"

Selected group of blocks, will then be duplicated :

Note that you can also do several "paste" in a row, you just need to do multiple "cltr + V"

Copy/paste between 2 different fields or 2 different stores

It's also possible, to avoid having to rebuild a field from scratch to copy/paste a group of blocks from a field to a new one or even to another store :
> within a given field, press "F8" on your keyboard => your personalized field will be pasted to your "clipboard". A "Successful" popup should hence confirm it.
> on the same store, or another one, create a new personalised field, and press "F9" on your keyboad, a popup will then appear :


Then, just do "cltr +V" (or right click : "paste")
=> your copied field is then displayed, do not forget to reattach it to "Return".

⚠️ Warning:
If you save clip-board content on a separated external file, it can only be used within the same day.
In some cases, on Google Chrome, access to clipboard can be forbidden, you'll then have a popup telling you to copy manually your field from the preview zone :

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