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Prestashop: how can we integrate BeezUP?
Prestashop: how can we integrate BeezUP?
José PALMA avatar
Written by José PALMA
Updated over 5 months ago
BeezUP Prestashop Module

In order to easily connect BeezUP to stores powered by Prestashop, one free module has been developped by a BeezUP partner agency.

⏩Here are the link towards old modules you need to install on your Prestashop depending on your versions :

  • Prestashop 1.1.x -> 1.3.x - HERE

  • Prestashop 1.4.x - HERE

  • Prestashop 1.5.x -> 1.7.x - HERE

  • Prestashop 8 - HERE


Important prerequisite

Depending on your situation please carefully this :

New set-up : you never had any BeezUP module installed so far.
👉 You can install our module "normally", just go to next article section.

Previous module already installed : version <3.0.0

If you already have a BeezUP/Prestashop module installed on your store, it's MANDATORY to do the 3 following actions before installing the new one :

  • Save your previous set up ( screenshots for example )

  • Uninstall the previous version: this step will remove previous set-up

  • Delete the previous version: this step will delete old files

You can then install our module "normally", as described in next section

Previous module already installed : version above or equals 3.0.0
If you already have a BeezUP module installed from a version >= 3.0.0 you can just :
👉 BACKUP your existing module (files & database) so that you can rollback to it in case the updated module doesn't work as expected.
👉 Save your previous set up ( screenshots for example )
And then you just need to upload our new module by installing "on top of" existing version, the update will be done automatically.

We also advise you to update your PHP version to at least PHP 5.3 otherwise there could be compatibility problem.

1 - Module Set-up

To add our BeezUP module into your PrestaShop, you just need to go onto "Modules" section and then click on 'Add a new module'.
Select the BeezUP module you previously downloaded from the top part of this article, based on your Prestashop version.
Proceed to installation steps as usual.

Then click on "Set-up" to access the set-up page.

2 - Tracker Set-up

1) Enable the tracking feature.

2) Default URL trackers :

3) Use the wholesale price : so you can have your margin in BeezUP statistics

4) Choose your order validation mode between one of these 2 options:
- At Order creation : when the order confirmation page is displayed by the customer.
- Once order is received : when the status order is switched to ‘delivered’.
Important notice : orders are created with "non confirmed" status within BeezUP once a customer is on the "choice of payment" page, it's hence highly important to choose carefully the right validation mode. Do not forget as well to display only confirmed orders within BeezUP.

5) Paste here the store ID that was given to you by email ( or you can find it here ). If you have shops for several countries in Beezup, you can add their respective storeID in this section.

6) Save your settings

3 - General set-up

You have several options in this section :

- Site adress : It's usually generated automatically but you can change it if needed

- Export all shops : If your Prestashop is multi-shops, you can choose to export all of your products in one export.

- Country : Necessary for tax calculation

- Use cache : once enabled it allows to avoid regenerating the file for a validy period you can define.

- Use CRON : Automate the generation of the catalogue. It can be very useful to set-it up a few mins before BeezUP importation times.

Set-up example : if your BeezUP importation is set at midnight, enable your CRON task at 9pm with a cache validity of 12 hours.

- New ProductID logic : You have to activate this option only if your new on Beezup or that your previous set-up was already having this option to ON => it allows you do benefit from the new calculation of ID for products with variations. This option has lots of impacts, if you have doubt please contact us.

- Logic of product categories : This option allows you to choose if you want to use the default category or the deepest category.

4 - Feed set-up

- Disable out of stock products: you can choose one of these options if you decide to send or not to send your inactive or out of stock products.

- Force product tax : enabling this option allows to force tax application if the buyer is not in a country where it should normally be applied.

- Get attributes as products : if your products have color/size/any attributes AND that you want to publish them on marketplaces, you need to have this option enabled.

- Carrier and default zone: used for shipping costs, has to be filled correctly.

- Image type: allows to choose which image type to choose, ideally select the largest type (usually thickbox).

- Default language : it will be used if you don't specify a language ( see the end of the article )

a - Select the exported fields

Once all these fields are filled, you can choose which fields to export by selecting them :

For each field, you have 3 possible options :

1) The field is automatically filled by PrestaShop, this is the case for EAN, price and reference…).

2) You can type any default value that will be exported for all your products.

3) You can also map the field to one of your prestashop fields, such as ‘vetement_sexe’, ‘vetement_couleur’, ‘vetement_taille’ below.

b- Add new fields

In case you need to add some more fields, you can simply click on ‘Add a new field’:

Then, the new fields comes up, and you can define its name, and to which value it has to be mapped. Remove the "Valeur" by default if you don't need it.

Then "save set-up" at the bottom of the section.

Note : Remember to remove the default value if you've defined an attribute for the field.

c- Specific fields :

d- Delivery cost configuration :

5 - Feed address

Your feed address is displayed at the top of the setup page, this is the address you need to use into the Importation Page of BeezUP application.

You can generate several feeds depending on the language and the currency :

1) Choose the language in which you want to export your informations.

2) Choose the currency for your products.

3) The feed is created and ready to be imported in the corresponding shop in Beezup.

6 - Order Management

The plugin Beezup for Prestashop allows you to publish your products in marketplaces and to automatically :

- Retrieve all marketplace orders

- Update order status ( refuse, ship, cancel )

6 - a) Order Management set up

1) Start by filling up your Beezup API details : User ID and Primary Token.

You can find this information in the bottom of the page 'Channels'. If they are not available, click on 'Profil /API ' on the right and they'll be displayed.
Save and, if the API details are correct, you'll see the sign next to 'API statut connexion' turn to a green 'ok' ( screenshot : 1bis)

2) Once connection is confirmed, new fields will appear and you'll be able to map the status of Beezup order with the status you're used to working with.
Then, everytime an order from a markeplace will be sent by BeezUP, it will appear in your order section in Prestashop with the status you've chosen.
If you change the mapping, remember to save the set up.

3) If you have multi shops in Prestashop, you can match your Prestashop shops to your BeezUP shops. Remember to save your modifications.

4) Here you'll be able to define the order in which the products matching will be done. In this example, BeezUP engine is going to try to match products of marketplace orders first with the field 'reference' ( of the BeezUP feed ), if it doesn't match, it tries with the field 'product_reference' and if it still doesn't match, final try with the field 'manufacturer_reference'

If you have doubts about the field you have to use, you have to check in the mega mapping the field mapped as ID/SKU in Beezup. If you still have doubts, contact us by clicking the « Help » button after logging into your BeezUP account.

5) Here you can choose the default shipping service and payment method for each order which comes from marketplaces.
Please be aware, that from our module version 3.2.0 onwards, you can define precisely for each marketplace which carrier needs to be used, based on carriers transmitted by marketplaces themselves. If you don't know which carrier to select in the list, just check on BeezUP for some of your orders the value for field "Shipping Method" and map them accordingly in your module. See illustration below :

6a) This option ( deactivated by default), allows you - if activated - to force the import of order containing at least one out of stock product. Be careful to activate this option only if you're not using Prestashop order management or if you know the consequences if you activate this option.

If you leave it deactivated, orders containing out of stock products will be ignored and you'll have to cancel them directly from the markeplaces.

6b) This option, allows you for some specific orders not to impact stock level.
Most frequent case, is for Amazon FBA orders.
Thus, if stock is 0 in your prestashop, order will still be created, with stock still set to 0.
Same for a product with positive stock level, order will be created, with no stock change.


6- b) Retrieve orders

You have 2 options to retrieve and update your orders.

- Several Manually : You just have to click on the link (8a) after updating the date of synchronisation to the date you want to start to retrieve your orders ( 7 ). ( Change the date, save, then click on the link ).

Everytime you retrieve your orders, the date will be set to the current date, so you can retrieve from this date the next time you'll retrieve/update orders.

Once you click on the link, don't close the page, wait for the connection status (9) to be done.

- Several Automatically : Install a CRON task on your server or use the Prestashop(1.5 & 1.6) plugin 'cronjobs' . You'll have to use the link 8a or 8b depending on the CRON engine your using.

If you're not familiar with CRON task, ask your webmaster.

- A precise order Manually :

If you want to retrieve one specific order, for instance if it was missed because of a lack of stock or for any other reasons, you can just click in the Module API settings area as displayed below, and then :

> report the 3 mandatory values that you can find from the URL of BeezUP Order. Then click on "Synchronize" and a link towards this newly harvested order will appear.
> even easier, from version 3.3.0 for our module, report the order URL from BeezUP which looks like : "" in the URL field.

More details below :


6- c) Update an order status - manually

Once you've retrieved your orders in your Prestashop orders list, you'll see a "Beezup info" zone which gives you information about the order :

- Order ID in Beezup and order ID in the markeplace

- Order status in Beezup and in the markeplace

- Dates ( purchase date, last modification date ( markeplace ), last modification ( BeezUP )

- Paid Amount

- Marketplace that generated the order

- If available, sales commission

If you need more details, you can click on the link 12 which will send you on the order page in Beezup.

In (10) you have the actions that are possible at the moment. In the example, at the moment, you can whether send or cancel the order. If you click on one of this action, you'll have a pop up where you can enter information that are necessary for the action.

When it's done, your order will synchronize ( within a few minutes ) and pass to it' new status during the next synchronization.

If needed, you can force the update of the order by clicking on (11) resynchronize

d) Ship orders - automatically

Since our module version 3.3.6, orders can be automatically transmitted as "shipped" to marketplaces, as long as :

- "Auto-shipment" section is enabled within our module
- mandatory information, depending on each marketplace is well indicated (at least tracking number) on the order that needs to be shipped.
- carrier mapping is done within our module / for marketplaces that have a closed list of accepted values.

In such conditions, if you (or a third module) set to "shipped" a marketplace order (coming from BeezUP), then it will be automatically be transmitted to the related marketplace !

Here's the setup zone in our module :


7 - Need Help?

a) Most common issues






Exported feed

Exported categories are not the right ones, they are "Home" instead of my real categories

BeezUP module gets the "default" category for each of your products => modify your default category to match your needs.


Exported feed

Catalogue feed takes too much time to be downloaded

You should enable the CRON task during a low activity time period, such as 3am.



I managed to install the module, but the set-up page is not accessible / remains blank.

It's likely due to the variable "memory_limit", in php.ini script. => change it to 512



This error is displayed during installation :
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STATIC, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '$"

Our module (version >3.x.x) requires a PHP version to be at least 5.3
If your version is below, please update it.
Ask help to your webmaster or hosting provider.


Products URL

The products URLs generated by the plugin redirects to pages : [Debug] This pages has moved

Please use the following URL instead :"

Your debug mode is activ in Prestashop, you have to deactivate it.

In the file "config/" put the variable "constant _PS_MODE_DEV_" to false.


Striked price

The striked price are not exported in Beezup and not displayed on your website

In order to improve the generation of the feed, the plugin override the class "specificPrice".

If this creates problem on your website, you can remove this override in "override/classes/SpecificPrice.php" if it's the same as "modules/beezup/override/sources/_SpecificPrice.php" or if it's not the same, you can delete only what's been added by Beezup



When I ship a marketplace order from Prestashop, nothing is changed on the marketplace side.

To update a marketplace order status, you need to use action buttons displayed in "BeezUP info" section of each prestashop order.
More details in this article here



When I set an order to a temporary status, a few moments later, its original statuts comes back.

During each orders update (manual or automatic, see details here) BeezUP module refreshes all modified orders since last synchronization time with a 2 hours margin by default.
To avoid these temporary statuts from being overwritten, please change this 2 hours magin period to a lower one : 5 or 10 mins for instance.
You can find this under : "Debug API Orders Management" => Toleance period for orders synchro (in min)

b) You are still blocked ?

If you still have isssues with your prestashop module, please contact us by clicking the « Help » button after logging into your BeezUP account explaining with maximum details what your issue is and giving us admin access (at least to the module section) + FTP access.

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