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Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over a week ago


1) Offers publications

  • Offers update are automatically sent by API using "update" mode and "differential" content.
    More details about publication strategies here.

  • Products update/creation are not currently managed by BeezUP. (ie : Product content/specifications)
    If your product is not already known (based on its EAN) it will therefore not be published.

Offers publications run every 2 hours.

2) EAN are mandatory

Since publications are limited to offers, it's mandatory to have EAN for all items you want to be published.

Integration process

1) If you don't have any account, contact and/or visit their website to register.

2) In Beezup, add the channel "Bol API" in 'my listings'.

3) Go to the "categories" page to set your CPA (commission charged by

4) Go to the mapping page, and map all mandatory fields.
For more information about each field, you can click on the 'i' for explanation of each field requiring one.

5) Go to API settings tab and set your API credentials:

"Public API key" & "Private API key"
You will find by clicking on "Settings"/"API Settings" (in dutch : "Instellingen"/ "API Instellingen").

Make sure to :
A : Generate API keys"
B : Set "BeeUP"
C : copy / paste them into Bol's API settings page (within BeezUP) as described below

6) Then, turn BOL to "On" (within BeezUP, my listing's page), and publications will start within 2h. In order to make sure that publications are well occurring, you can check the "Last publications" tab which will tell you all corrections/modifications to do in your feed.

7) Once your offers are successfully published, your offers are ready to be sold and your sales (including Fulfilment ones) will appear in the "Orders" tab and (if enabled) in your shop system.

We wish you great sales on through BeezUP !

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