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Manual importation of a catalog
Manual importation of a catalog

Manually import your catalog (CSV-XML-TXT) on your BeezUP interface or launch an automatic import with a single click

José PALMA avatar
Written by José PALMA
Updated over 3 months ago


1. New feed importation

In order to import your feed, you have to go to the Import page of your BeezUP store:!/app//importation/new-importation

a. Your feed is in CSV format :

✔️ (1) Select CSV as file type.

✔️ (2) Choose you file encoding (Unicode UTF-8 by default) ( If there is any doubt please check the documentation here).

✔️ (3) Choose your CSV file separator (; by default).

✔️ (4) Choose the file source from your computer (Local), or from an URL or FTP (Simple URI).

✔️ (5) Put your feed address (URL), or all the necessary details if it is an FTP.

✔️ (6) Launch the importation.

b. Your feed is in XML format :

✔️ (1) Select XML as file type.

✔️ (2) Choose the file source from your computer (Local), or from an URL or FTP (Simple URI).

✔️ (3) Put your feed address (URL), or all the necessary details if it is an FTP.

✔️ (4) Launch the importation.

Once the import has started, you will be redirected to the "Mega Mapping" page (once the catalog loaded).
On this page, you will need to proceed to the matching of your fields and BeezUP fields (in the drop-down boxes).
If there is any doubt on the fields you'll need, please check this documentation:


Once done, you can validate the specifications at the bottom of the page and wait few seconds without leaving the page until you are redirected to the BeezUP page "Importation"

Your catalog is then successfully imported!

2. Manual importation of an already known feed

In order to do a manual import you have to go the the "Import" page of your BeezUP store

✔️ (1) Select the feed type (it should be automatically set according to the previously imported catalog).

✔️ (2) Clic on "Use Auto-Import URL".

✔️ (3) Launch the importation.

Once the import has started, you will be redirected to the "Mega Mapping" page (once the catalog loaded).

⚠️ Important: DO NOT MODIFY ANY SETTINGS (Unless you know the impact).


Go to the bottom of the page, and click on "validate the specifications". Then wait a few seconds without leaving the page until you are redirected to the BeezUP page "Importation".

Note: if you changed the Mega Mapping, don't forget to set your import as an Automatic import

​Your catalog is then successfully imported!

⚠️ Important:

If you only want to access the mega-mapping without importing a new flow, you can click on “catalog columns”:

3. Multi-file Import

You have the possibility to add additional feeds to complement your main catalog (if is included in your BeezUP plan). You can use these additional feeds to import new fields from other sources.

You can add feeds in different formats, for exemple, your main feed can be an XML file and the supplementary feed can be a CSV file (or vice-versa).

You can add up to 9 supplementary feed (for 10 feed files in total).

To set up a new feed, you must go to the new importation page and click on the + button next to the Import file 1.

This will create a new tab, and you will see a new field appear called Common column field name. The new feed you want to add must have a common value with your main feed.

If the SKU is present in the main feed and in the new additional feed, you can use this attribute as common column. You could also use the EAN.

Example, the attribute that contains the SKU in your main feed is called reference_produit, and the attribute that contains the SKU in your additional feed is called sku.

In this case, you have to set reference_produit in Common column field name for the main catalog (Import file 1), and set sku in Common column field name for the additional catalog (Import file 2)

Once you have finished setting up the information of the additional feed, you can launch the importation.

⚠️ Important:

  1. If the reference can be found in both feeds, BeezUP will merge the feeds and you will have all the attributes available of the main feed and the additional feed for that product.

  2. If the reference can be found only in the main feed, all the attributes of the additional feed will show empty for that product (and vice-versa).

  3. If an attribute name is repeated in the main feed and the additional feed, only the first one will be imported and the attribute from the additional feed will be ignored. Same applies for other imported feeds (priority goes from 1st feed to the 10th).

Note: If you see this error message when you try to add a new import file, you need to contact our customer service to adapt your plan.

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