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Amazon : frequent questions & mistakes
Amazon : frequent questions & mistakes
Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over a year ago


1 - Reminder of Amazon matching mode

2 - Most frequent questions

Q1 : Amazon shipping prices are not the ones I want to apply, how can I change them?

Q2 : BeezUP doesn't seem to have access anymore to my Amazon store, how to solve this?

Q3 : How can I find my products in Amazon?

Q4 : How can I send my products so they can be considered as 'Shipped by Amazon ( Amazon FBA)'

Q5 : I have a BeezUP store from one country, and only receive Amazon orders from this country, how to get orders from other european countries?

Q6 : Amazon "Prime" d'Amazon : how to flag your offers & identify your orders?

Q7 : Why my products data is not sent to Amazon?

3 - Most frequent errors

1 - Reminder of Amazon matching mode

When publishing products to Amazon, each product is analysed to be either :

- Linked to an existing product in Amazon database. In this case, Amazon will try to match the sent EAN to their database and if it exists, their algorithm will ensure that other information fields also match (description title size color … ).
If the EAN match is correct as well as all key other information, the submitted offer will be linked to the existing product on Amazon.

- Created as a new product if the EAN doesn't already exist in Amazon database. In that case, Amazon will need additional information (depending on product category) so that the product can be listed.

In that case, you can't use Amazon Direct in BeezUP, you have to use specific subcategories. (more information in the article Amazon products publication)

2 - Most frequent questions

Q1 : Amazon shipping prices are not the ones I want to apply, how can I change them? A : Unlike other marketplaces, we can't send shipping costs directly in the feed. If you would like to change them, Amazon gives you two options :

- Define shipping costs based on products prices.

- Define shipping costs based on products weights.

To complete it, go to 'Settings/Shipping settings' in your Amazon back office. More information on

Q2 : BeezUP doesn't seem to have access anymore to my Amazon store, how to solve this?

🗨️ "Token" used by BeezUP is very likely expired or not linked to the right store.
To refresh it, click on "API Settings", and then "Renew BeezUP authorization".

Q3 : How can I find my products on Amazon ?

🗨️: You can find your product by following this link : if you replace MERCHANT_ID by your Amazon merchant ID (you can find it in Beezup => my listings and click on API Settings link for Amazon)

Q4 : How can I send my products, so they can be considered as 'Shipped by Amazon (Amazon FBA)'

🗨️: If you've already activated this option on Amazon, you just have to map the field 'FulfillmentCenterID' in the mapping with the value that corresponds to your Amazon center (In general : 'AMAZON_EU' if the center is in Europe)

Q5 : I have a BeezUP store from one country, and only receive Amazon orders from this country, how to get orders from other European countries?

🗨️ : if you enabled Amazon international selling option, you can select within BeezUP, which countries to import. For that, you just need to go to Amazon "Api Settings" page and tick the countries for which you want orders to be retrieved. Note : this option is only available from Professional offer


Q6 : Amazon "Prime" d'Amazon : how to flag your offers & identify your orders?

🗨️: Amazon since late 2018 has allowed some trusted merchants using some specifics carriers to be able to flag some of their offers as "Prime" without going through FBA program "Fulfilment by Amazon".
This program is called "Seller Fulfilled Prime" aka "SFP".
If Amazon accepted your appliance to SFP, you'll need to :

1) "flag" your eligible offers to SFP
To do so, you need to first create a "Prime" Shipping Template on Amazon Seller Central.
Then flag your products, thanks to field "MerchantShippingGroupName" present in all Amazon mapping within BeezUP.
Make sure to use the exact shipping template name in your field mapped on "MerchantShippingGroupName".

2) identify your Prime orders to ship them as defined with Amazon.
On each Amazon order, field "Order_IsPrime" helps you to identify orders to be shipped in priority.

For all other questions on this SFP program, only Amazon can help you.

Q7 : Why my products data is not sent to Amazon?

🗨️: In case you force products matching using ASIN : > either by having used our Amazon Mismatch UI > or just by mapping the ASIN field BeezUP, on purpose, does NOT send produts data (title, description, attributes) to avoid conflicting with Amazon data. If you still want to match using ASIN AND send your products data, please consider using field "Details_on_if_ASIN" by setting it to "true".

3 - Most frequent errors

🗨️: You can find here the most frequent errors. (Reminder : To check the publications, you have to go to the tab 'Last publications' and click on 'view details' for the desired product feed.

Amazon error code


Explanation and how to fix it

Amazon message example


Merchant is not authorized to list products in this category

For the following sectors : Health & personal care, Clothing & accessories, Watches, Jewelry, Shoes a validation of your account is necessary.

In such case you need to contact your Amazon account manager and ask for a validation or if you don't have an account manager you can ask via the form : by choosing
"Stock" and then "new products".

Seller is not authorized to list products in this category. For more details, see

8541 ou 8542

Amazon is questioning the transmitted informations

Amazon recognizes the EAN of the product but some information don't match the ones from their database.

In that case, if your products correspond to Amazon suggestion, you have 2 options :
- Change the information that Amazon doesn't recognize by the one they have in their database (usually the title or brand).

- Force the publication by sending the ASIN Amazon indicates in the error message via our "Mismatch errors" dedicated UI.

Our "Mismatch UI" is available through the "channels" page then by clicking on "Publications" link for Amazon, and then "Fix mismatch" available for each publication that has 8541/8542 errors.

If the product Amazon suggests is not the same as your product, you have to contact the seller support, specifying the details of the product with error 8541 and ideally a manufacturer document attesting the authenticity of the information provided.

The product_id provided with XXX corresponds to ASIN YYY, but some of the information submitted contradicts information in the Amazon catalog. If your product is the same as this ASIN, please modify your product data to reflect the following Amazon catalog values and resubmit. If your product is different than the ASIN, please check that the product_id is correct. If it is correct, please contact Seller Support for proper resolution.


A required information is missing

Amazon can't integrate this product because at least one required information is missing
Here are 3 of the most frequent cases :

1) Missing EAN
As explained above, EANs are mandatory in order to publish products on Amazon. It's used by Amazon to match products to their database.
You have to get the EAN from your supplier or from organization like or

2) Missing Brand
Brand is an important field because it can be used to verify the matching in case there is a contradiction with an information
If you have this error, it means Amazon needs it to verify your product. You can add it via the import feed or via a personnalized field or a product edition

3) Missing product type
Product Type is a variable automatically added by BeezUP only if you use one of Amazon subcategory feed, and not Amazon Direct.

if you have this error, do not use Amazon Direct, but add an Amazon channel corresponding to a specific sector.

Voici les messages relatifs aux exemples ci contre :

1) EAN manquant :
Missing Attributes standard_product_id. SKU XXX does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: standard_product_id,missing_keyset_reason.

2) Marque manquante :
SKU XXX, Missing attributes brand. SKU XXX does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes : brand.

3) Product_Type manquant :
SKU XXX, Missing attributes product_type. SKU XXX does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes : product_type.


Missing brand

Amazon need the brand to integrate your product
You just need to add the brand to your product

Required value for the field "Message/Product/DescriptionData/Brand".

Pas de code

BeezUP is not authorized

BeezUP attempt to send your products but Amazon is blocking us.

In this case, you must link your Amazon account to your BeezUP account as explained here ( step 2 ) here.

We're not receiving a message at the moment however, in general, the feed is in error with no duration ( elapsed time = NC )

Example here.

Pas de code

No shipping time

BeezUP is sending your delivery time based on what is mapped on the field "FulfillmentLatency".
Be careful the maximum value for Amazon is 30 so we are not sending anything above 30

If one or several products have shipping time higher that 30 you have 2 options :

1) Deactivate or filter these products
2) Create a personalized field that put 30 when the value is more that 30

No message when "FulfillmentLatency" is over 30, the product is not send by BeezUP.


The values for size-map or color-map are not accepted

Amazon, in order to provide filters by color and size to the client, requires merchants to use certain values for the fields size-map and color-map.

Although for the size and color fields you can put the value you want to appear in the Amazon filters it is necessary to fill size-map and color-map with specific values.

Here is the list of authorized value for the color-map : Beige, Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Grey, Multicoloured, Off-White, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, Turquoise, White, Yellow

Here is a le table with all the authorisez size for size-map.

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