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Price Minister : frequent questions & mistakes
Price Minister : frequent questions & mistakes
Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over 9 months ago

Most frequent questions

Question 1 : How can I set up my shipping prices for Price Minister ?

You must set up your prices for each product and for each geographical area :

- FRANCE: metropolitan France ( Corse included )

- DROM_COM : overseas french territories

- EUROPE : All countries in the schengen area

- WORLD : rest of the world

Structure to follow :

Here is the structure you have to do in a perso field for the geographical area you want :


Different possible values:

- @mode : shipping method
Possible values : NORMAL ( standard) , SUIVI (tracked), RECOMMANDE( registered) , EXPRESS_DELIVERY
Important : The tracked mode is only available for France

@auth : if you want to activate the mode or not.
Valeurs possibles : 1 (activate) ou 0 (deactivate)

- @lead : shipping price for the product lead

- @follow : shipping price for other products

Important :You can have several mode for a same geographical area.

Examples :

Shipping price in the "FRANCE" field for example :

- Refuse the standard and express shipping method
- Tracked : 7€ if the product is leader and 1€ if it's a follower
- Registered : 15,50€ if the product is leader and 5,20€ if it's a follower

Syntax :


Question 2 : How can I set up the shipping price based on the number of product ?

Fill up the file "configuration shipping" and send it to Price Minister.

More information about the shipping price here

Question 3 : How can I set up summer/winter sales ?

Once you've activated your sales in Price Minister and created your campaign ID (here), you must create a perso field for the field 'code opération promo' of Price Minister mapping.


Here is an example you can customize :

Question 4 : How can I check my feed before sending it to PriceMinister ?

A validator is available here

1- Connect with your PriceMinister login/password

2- Upload the file you want to verify

If you want to verify a feed from Beezup, choose "fichier en ligne" and copy/paste the export feed avalaible in Beezup ( in my listings ) then click on send

3- Verify the options. Everything should be ok by default ( encoding : UTF8 separator : | )

Choose the universe on which you'll export this feed. Click on 'prévisualiser' and if it looks like a table, click on 'Analyser'.

4- You'll lend on a page where you can find the pourcentage of success. If it's less than 80%, you're file will not be imported on Price Minister.

You can download a file which gives you the errors by clicking on 'Télécharger le fichier d'erreur'

The second graph indicate the repartition of the errors :

Here in the 29 lines in error, 85% of them concerned the column 'type de produit'.

If you still can't correct the errors, send a message with the error file, by clicking the « Help » button after logging into your BeezUP account.

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