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Customers & marketplaces message management
Customers & marketplaces message management

Reply to your marketplace clients messages and directly send your invoices from BeezUP

Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over a year ago

conversations marketplace fonctionnalité BeezUP

💬 BeezUP has recently released a new marketplace messages management feature. 💬

This feature allows for compatible marketplaces to consult and reply to marketplaces & clients messages.

This article tells you more about how it works.

Compatible Marketplaces:

  • Amazon

  • Mirakl powered ones: Alltricks, Atlas for men, Auchan, Aurgi, BHV / Le Marais, Blokker, Boulanger, Brandalley, Bricomarché, Bricoprivé, Bulevip, BUT, Carrefour, Camif, Carethy, Carrefour, Cléor, Comptoir Santé, Conforama, CreaVea, Decathlon, DistriArtisan, DoctiPharma, E-leclerc, EL Corte Ingles, Empik, ePrice, Fonq, France Boissons, Fnac, Galeries Lafayette, GACD, Go-sport, Greenweez, Grenier Alpin, Ibs, Intermarché, Kiabi, Kingfisher (B&Q), Kleertjes, Laposte, LDLC, LeenBaker, Leroy Merlin, MacWay, Maisons du Monde, Manor, Maty, Mediamarkt, Metro, MonShowRoom, Natures & Découvertes, PcComponentes, PerfumesClub, Pharmedistore, Piazz, Pixmania, Reedoo, Retif, Rue Du Commerce, Saturn, Showroomprivé; Sportzone, Sprinter, The Phone House, TiendaAnimal, TradeInn, Trendy Food, Truffaut, Ubaldi, Venca, Vente Unique, VidaXL, Voelkner, Worten...

  • Fnac

  • Darty

  • Rakuten

  • Cdon


1. Activation

In order to enable this "Conversation" feature, please go to "Offer" page within BeezUP.

Once enabled, you can access it through "Conversations" in your main BeezUP menu.
Start by enabling the marketplaces you wish through the dedicated page "Marketplaces activation".

⚠ For some specific marketplaces, an email is shown in "Configuration" column and must be set within the related marketplace backoffice.

  • For Amazon, this article describes step by step how to proceed.

  • For CDON, you have to set this email in "Contact email" available within "Settings" / "Update Company Info" / "Customer Service".
    See below
    Do not forget to save after email is updated.

Note : You can enable message management for a marketplace where sync (product and/or offer) is off in "Channels" page provided that API credentials are ok.

2. Discussions list

Once first marketplaces are enabled within BeezUP, you'll be able to see your recent discussions, synched every 5 minutes, in "Conversations" left menu.
To help you in their management, different search filters are available to you:

  • Type : automatically defined by BeezUP depending on message type, it can be product (pre-sale), order or other.

  • Marketplace : enabled marketplaces list

  • Status : manually set status among: open / pending / solved / closed

  • Reading status : read or unread, automatically updated once you or your team members read the conversation, or manually sets it as read or unread.

  • OrderID : you can look for a specific order related conversation by looking for its related order id (marketplace).

  • Participants Name & email : look for a discussion by typing participants' name and email (if transmitted by the marketplace).

  • Subjet : search for one or several discussions by its subject
    These 2 last parameters are "contains" type of search.

Discussion list

In order to see one specific conversation, you need to click on its subject, all related messages will then be displayed.

🔵 On this conversation page, several details are available:

  1. Conversation status (you can edit it), last sync date, conv initiator.

  2. Order details : key data, adresses & purchased product(s). You can also directly access full order details by clicking on order id.
    Are also available here all conversation related attachments.

  3. Exchanged messages between merchant (you) and client and/or marketplace.

  4. Reply zone, where you can once possible indicate who to reply to.

  5. Shortcuts allowing, to add attachments and/or generate + attach the related invoice (if settings are ok). Attachments are then transmitted with your reply.

  6. Advanced options allowing to set a conversation as not read and trigger a manual resync.


Conversation with a client

3. Messages reply and update

Once you've read your messages, you can obviously interact in several ways:

  • Reply
    First mandatory action to perform once a message has arrived : be able to reply.
    You then need, to enter your reply text in the dedicated zone ("4" in the above schema)
    Then, check and potentially adapt to whom you're about to send your message to.
    Last, at the bottom right you can select your reply action among : "reply" / "reply and solve" / "reply and pending".
    Note: html is not authorized

  • Add an attachment
    Once necessary, you can add an attachment and even directly generate an invoice (if your settings are ok) thanks to dedicated buttons (in zone "5" in the above schema)
    Do not forget, though, to send a message so that attachments can be sent along.
    Note that for some marketplaces that do not accept attachments, attachments links will be added at the end of your message

  • Update conversation status
    As previously mentioned, BeezUP conversations have 4 possible status: new / pending / solved / closed.
    These status are private, only known by your and colleagues, they don't have any impact on the marketplace side.
    Note also that BeezUP doesn't automatically impact these status, only your manul actions are considered.
    To update them, you can:
    - individually: conversation by conversation, from the conversation list by directly clicking on the status you aim to modify.
    Or also from the conversation detail zone (zone "1" in the above schema)
    - in bulk: from the conversation list, by ticking your conversations you aim to modify, then click on "Actions/modify status" and select the targetted status you wish to apply to all selected conversations.

4. Other features

Since now you know how to use standard above conversation features, you now deserve to know more advanced ones:

  • Multi-stores view
    If your account has several stores, you are then already familiar with the "cross-stores" mode.
    Good news is that "Conversation" is compliant with such mode, so that you can see from one single page all your different stores conversations.

  • 100% API
    Similarly to all other features, all conversation features are available by API.
    The only new thing is that conv API is relying on "GraphQL".
    So that you can use it, 2 important ressources:
    - Voyager : this tool allows you to explore the extended conv API ressources.
    - Playground : this tool allows you to test your queries before implementing them on your side.
    Important notes on playground:
    1) you need to replace the xxxx from the link by your standard BeezUP API token.
    2) Make sure to indicate, in the voyager browser address bar the same URL as the one from your browser (with your BeezUP API key).

  • Set your own internal tickets ID
    Feature only available, so far, by API : you can set your own internal tickets ID in case you would sync BeezUP conversations with your own ticketing tool.
    Mutation to use is then "assignMerchantDiscussionId"

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